Man in Bubble

is a unique show that combines the magic of soap bubbles with the art of the clown, creating a poetic journey that will enchant spectators of all ages. Through a series of scenes full of fantasy and humor, the audience is immersed in a world of giant bubbles, reflections and colors, where anything is possible. The constant interaction with the audience makes each show an unrepeatable experience, where children and adults are carried away by wonder and laughter. Come and discover the enchanting universe of “Man In Bubble”, where visual poetry and fun blend in perfect harmony.

The artist Mariano Guz has held two Guinness World Records since 2018.

The Show


Entertainment for all types of audiences, without age limits


Giant soap bubbles, clowns, physical theater and lots of visual poetry.

Ideal for

Festivals, events, theatre, squares, circus, cabaret and parties


From 20 to 35 minutes of bubbles according to the needs


Indoors / Outdoors / Stage / Street.

Ideal Scenic Space

8M Width,
7M depth,
4M height